Thursday, August 11, 2011

The project.

August 11, Point Place.

I've been working on the Mudshow Diaries pictures project, shuffling images around, adding some, taking others out, and here is the result.


Arts in the Family said...

Hi there.

I wanted to check it out but I'm having trouble with the link. I've copied and pasted it to Google but that didn't work.I've also done the same in Flicker. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I need some help please. Thanks.

Alberto Ramirez Jr.

Valérie Berta Torales said...

I'm so sorry, Alberto, I'm afraid I'm as clueless as you are, I wasn't even able to paste this link as a slideshow visible on the blog, after trying for the better part of the afternoon... You can see it on Facebook, it might be easier to access.

Arts in the Family said...

No worries. Don't quote me on this but the way I put up my slideshow, which I figured out via the "sheer luck route", was to go the design section of my blog. Once there I click on "add a gadget" and select "HTML/Java Script". A little window appears. You type a name for the slideshow then copy and paste your slideshow code( can't remember what that's called) and and save.

I think the code should be between these symbols: < > . I hope it helps more than hinders. I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination so it took me a few weeks of trial and error to figure it out. I hope it works for you.

In the meantime I'll look it up on Facebook.

Happy Trails,
Alberto Ramirez Jr.

Don said...

It worked just fine when I tried the link. Very impressive, Valerie.

Don Covington

Arts in the Family said...

I think my computer is just old coot of a machine. Computers: can't live with them, can't throw them back into the fiery chasm from whence they came.

Alberto Ramirez Jr.

fredy said...

hola que tal amigo como estas soy un viejo amigo del circus chimera 2004, como está la familia veo que creciendo te escribo para saber sobre mi "causa"(amiga) del alma sheyla, quisiera saber cómo se la a pasado en todo este tiempo que no la e visto tan solo en fotografías de cumpleaños de los bebes

fredy said...

hola que tal amigo como estas soy un viejo amigo del circus chimera 2004, como está la familia veo que creciendo te escribo para saber sobre mi "causa"(amiga) del alma sheyla, quisiera saber cómo se la a pasado en todo este tiempo que no la e visto tan solo en fotografías de cumpleaños de los bebes

fredy said...

hola que tal amigo como estas soy un viejo amigo del circus chimera 2004, como está la familia veo que creciendo te escribo para saber sobre mi "causa"(amiga) del alma sheyla, quisiera saber cómo se la a pasado en todo este tiempo que no la e visto tan solo en fotografías de cumpleaños de los bebes