Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chance meetings.

August 13, Ypsilanti.

We met Max at the Ypsilanti co-op, my annual health food store favorite, when he heard us speak French. Before we knew it we were invited to stay at his in-laws' house so that I wouldn't have to drive back from Romeo, some eighty miles north, to leave Julie at the airport tomorrow. We spent the afternoon in and around Detroit, then met the White family for the second show.
We ended up staying at the motor home on the lot so that Fridman could have a place to sleep, but went over to the Whites for dinner. It was such a perfect farewell from America, this beautiful family with sons and daughters spread out all over the world, France, Austria, the Philippines, this beautiful family full of songs and love and incredible generosity. They sang grace, and it was like a song from heaven.
Julie was enthralled.

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