Tuesday, March 15, 2011


March 15, Saint-Ismier.

Encounters is a word to which I much prefer the French version, les rencontres.
This one came about by a twist of fate. Saving Dylan on Saturday, and tonight we met, the physician and I, as I was sitting in the same room, literally in Dylan's shoes - inhaling the same asthma medicine, for just as long (it was all quite strange, also sweet, I following him for a change.)
Lives crossing, windows unfolding, possibilities, the valleys of destinies, affinities, rencontres.

1 comment:

Ellyn Rose Acord said...

This may not be the best place to place this comment. I place it here as it comes a moment of tranistion. The transition seemingly making it appropriate.

The Portuguese, of whose ancestry I share, have a word, Saudade. The word does not translate adequately to English. The word being more of feeling than text.

Yet Saudade is, I think, what your words often convey. At least what they convey to me.

Saudade pertains to both past and future.

Its the love that remains even if nothing else stays.

You may well say 'tenho saudades tuas'-that you have saudades for these things. Your mother, your husband, the places you were and the places you may be.

I wish you well as the scenery changes. I wish that your heart remains where it is best appreciated and wishes to stay.