Monday, February 08, 2010

There but not there.

February 8, Rio Hondo.

Second leg went fine, too, we arrived safe and sound, but I almost missed the lot as we were fifteen miles short of the route's mileage; the lot we were supposed to be on is still flooded after last week's torrential rains so we are on a temporary grass parking lot off Route 106.
Jim and Danny went to see the original lot this morning and it was decided we would move there tomorrow. It is still going to be a muddy mess, if Circus Chimera experience is any good.
The season's opening is on Thursday, so in the end we'll have only one day of rehearsals. It reminds me of the first year we were with Kelly Miller, opening in Hugo in March, cold and gray; I remember Sara and Gigi, the rush of so many new faces, and being anxious to finally jump into this one-day stop thing.
Dylan was two, Nicolas a baby; it seems lo long ago.


Tejano said...

Welcome back. Hope to catch your show while you are in the valley

Harry Kingston said...

Hi Valerie,
I am so glad you all made it to the valley all ok.
It is a long way down there.
Keep us posted on what is going on as you are way out and ahead of the other blogs.
I am very surprised you are not playiing the amegoland mall lot like all the shows in the past.
Tell Tavana to get the route cards started so we know where you all are.
Have a great season and keep us posted on the news and your fantastic photos.
Has Mr. North arrived yet????
Hope to catch the show somewhere down the road.
Harry Kingston