Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love and hate.

February 11, Brownsville.

I hate it, I hate hate hate it. I hate it that I'm missing out on all the action, be it muddy and wet and miserable, on this the first day of the season, and maybe my last season, who knows, I hate it that I feel like a bloated whale washed out on a beach, I hate it that I can't photograph any of it, I hate it that I don't even feel better after two days of both antibiotics and anti-virals and god-knows-what, I hate it all.
But I love Brian LaPalme, our new cook, who revived me last night, however briefly, with an amazing seventy-people-strong rendition of a French blanquette de veau (with chicken, this being Kelly Miller Circus after all.) I could have kissed him.

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