Monday, April 20, 2009


April 20, Clinton.

We got a tad lost this morning, barreling straight into more than twenty miles of U-turn.
Family news: Nicolas went the whole day without his pacifier yesterday. It was as easy as simply not giving it to him and he went to sleep just fine too.
For my part I'm still struggling to get an appointment to have a breast ultrasound after my first mammogram, taken at the start of the season in Brownsville, turned out inconclusive. It is difficult to get doctors' appointments on the road, and the difficulty is compounded in this case because documents have to be released and sent in time. And yesterday one of my teeth started hurting to the point that my entire mouth now aches (it even hurts when I'm talking, surely a blessing in disguise) so the health department outlook is slightly wanting at this point on my circus life's road.

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