Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wall Street socialism.

September 17, Belvidere.

Another week, another bailout of a behemoth financial institution by the U.S. government.
Pinch me I'm dreaming, with the government firing the C.E.O.s and in effect taking control of the company this smells like a nationalization, looks like a nationalization and would be one would this be happening in say, Evo Morales' Bolivia, and the same U.S. government that has taken command of one top company after another since the bailout of Bear Sterns in March, spending a total of more than one trillion dollars of tax-payers' money so far in the process, would be screaming Socialism! and calling for immediate sanctions.
Commentary by former Treasury Secretary Robert Reich on the radio this morning: stop rescuing financial companies that messed up and pass legislation to insure Wall Street is properly regulated instead.

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