Monday, July 14, 2008

Vive le cheese and les idées.

July 14, Camden.

Today is le 14 juillet, or Bastille Day, or my turn to feel proud of la patrie.
So vive la France and let's forget about colonialism, empire-craving, delusional Napoleon, the Vichy regime and the Algerian war to remember instead the declaration of the rights of man, the ideas of égalité and fraternité, Montaigne and Descartes (which I'm due to study again per earlier blog entry,) Victor Hugo and Baudelaire and Rimbaud, Racine and Moliere, Colette et ses chats, and Foucault. I'm only a tad biased thinking that the richness French letters has scant few rivals, bien sur.
But most of all hooray for the 365 cheeses, fresh baguettes and two-hour lunches.

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