Tuesday, April 22, 2008

(Poor) Earth Day.

April 22, Hillsboro.

Today is Earth Day, not that we would know it. At this circus recycling seems to be a foreign word, and the Latino community in this country in general I've noticed to be the most ignorant in regards to the environment.
And yet, just next to the lot today there is a recycling center, the irony, and I've been mulling over starting a recycling service at the circus, trying to convince people to pitch in and make a small difference. It would be a matter of finding recycling centers along the way, setting up bags where people could bring their recyclable items and gathering them up at the end of the day; the main problem would be where to stock them, space is precious in the traveling circus world, trailers are not spacious, storing is not an option, you learn to go bare, to strip down.
To be continued.

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