Friday, August 18, 2006

Flashback to something new.

August 18, Newark.

Here is an entry from last week that I didn't post then because Fridman doesn't want people in the circus to know yet. It suddenly occured to me that I could post it here, since this is the raw, original, unedited version of the blog. It's become increasingly uncomfortable not talking about the subject because it is such a core part of my life now, it feels like having my mouth taped shut when I want to scream.

August 11, Pleasant Hill, California.
I ate half a chicken this morning (braised, delicious even though it never saw the light of day nor had enough space to only move any one of those legs I so enjoyed ripping through.) I'm a vegetarian and I just had to have chicken, had to have some, two days of steady craving, I knew with utter certainty something was in the works because that seems to be what happens when I'm in the first few days of pregnancy.
So now it's not "Travels with Dylan in a circus" anymore but "Travels with Dylan & Company in a circus."
Au secours?

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